Seeking Knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim (Ibn-e-Maja 224)

Judges Libraries at the Benches

With the creation of Benches under the Lahore High court (Establishment of Benches) Rules, 1981 (Notification) [Gazette of Punjab, Extraordinary, 16th July 1981] No. SO(CAB)-III-1-17/81 & the Judges Libraries at the benches were also established in the same year.

  • Judges Library - Multan Bench

    The Judges Library at Multan Bench took start on 1st January 1981 having about 3400 volumes of law journals and books. It has treasure of national as well as foreign law journals & precious books. At present, the Library is enlightened with collection of 16682 bound volumes of native & external jurisdictions including bouquet of rich reference sources. It is source of facilitation for the Hon’ble Judges at the Bench from dawn to dusk. The oldest books at Multan Bench are: A Selection of Legal Maxims: classified & illustrated, 10th edition. By R. H. Kersley, 1939, Gaddafi: voice from the desert By Mirella Bianco, 1970, Woodroffe on the Code of Criminal Procedure, 3-volumes set By Sheikh Abdul Halim, 1976, Mogha on the Law of Pleadings with Precedents (Civil & Criminal) By Sardar Mohammad Iqbal Khan Mokal, 1977, Rustomji on the Law of Limitation & Adverse Possession: an exhaustive commentary on the Limitation Act, 1908; 2-volumes set By Sardar Mohammad Iqbal Khan Mokal, 1977, The Code of Bribery & Anti-Corruption Laws: an exhaustive commentary on anti-corruption laws in Pakistan By Sh. Nisar Qutab, 1982, The Lahore High Court & its Principal Bar (1866-1988), 2nd edition. By Rustam Sohrabji Sidhwa 1989, Now, a Librarian, and an Assistant Librarian are working as a professional staff in the Judges Library.

  • Judges Library - Rawalpindi Bench

    In the year, 1981 with the creation of the benches a Judges Library was also established in the same year to fulfill the needs of Hon’ble Courts. The Judges Library at Rawalpindi Bench has a variety of collection which consists of PLD, SCMR, PLC, PTD, MLD, PLJ, NLR, CLC, CLD, PSC, PTCL, ITR, KLR, YLR, AIR & SCC etc. The oldest at Rawalpindi Bench are: Criminal Law 4th Edition By J.C.Smith & Brian Hogan, 1978, SOHNI’s Code Of Criminal Procedure, 19th Edition By Revised by R. Nagartnam, 1994, CRAIES On Statute Law 7th Edition By S.G.G.Edgar, 1971, PREM’S Cross-Examination Arguments And Instructive Trials By Daulat Ram Prem, 1969, Encyclopedia Of Crime And Justice (Dictionary) By Sanford H. Kadish(Editor in Chief), 1983, Halsbury’Laws Of India By Sunanda Bharti, Nisha Bopanna & Supriti S Narayanan (Editors), 2003, The All England Reports By Roland Burrows, K.C.(Editor in Chief), 1936, Labour Code Of Pakistan 1st Edition By M. Shafi, 1953, The Law Of Limitation And Adverse Possession By K.J.Rustomji, 1977, The Hidaya Or Guide A Commentary On Mussulman Laws By Charles Hamilton, 1975, Fatawa-I-Kazee Khan, Relating To Mahomedan Law By Imam Fakhruddin Hassan Bin Mansur Al-Uzjand Al Afghani, 1977, The Book Of Religion And Empire By Ali Tabari and A. Mingana, D.D., Lahore, Jurisdiction And Judicial Review By Justice Fazal Karim, 1990, The Mejelle (Being An English Translation Of Majallahel-Ahkkam-I-Adliya And A Complete Code Of Islamic Civil Law) By Translated by C.R.Tyser,D.G. Demetriades & Ismail Haqqi Effendi, 1980, Islamic Law Of Inheritance: A Comparative Study With Emphasis On Contemporary Problems By Hamid Khan, 1980, This library has a substantive collection of foreign books and dictionaries also. The Judges library at this bench having a collection of over 16413 law books, Journals, statutes, Dictionaries and foreign publication, providing professional research services to the fulfill the immediate reference and research need to the Hon’ble Courts at the bench. An Assistant Librarian is supervising all the work in the Judges Library at the bench.

  • Judges Library - Bahawalpur Bench

    The Judges Library at Bahawalpur Bench was created in 1981 since the establishment of Benches. This library has a collection of 16660 law books that includes Journals, Statutes, Dictionaries and foreign publication as well. The main collection of this Library includes PLD, SCMR, PLC, PTD, MLD, PLJ, NLR, CLC, CLD, PSC, PTCL, YLR, ITR, SCC, AIR & KLR etc. The oldest books at Bahawalpur Bench are;<br /> The Defence of India Rules By M.C Datta, 1944, The Unrepealed Acts By C. Annadurai Aiyar, 1885-1897, The interpretation of statutes By Sir Peter benson Mazwell, 1883, Principles of Equity By Trikamlal R. Desai, 1928, Indian Sale of Goods Act By Sir Frederick Pollock, 1933, Law of Wills By Sir Henry S. Theobald, 1927, The Factory Rules 1935 By C.J Paul, 1934, The Indian Partnership Act 1932 By K. Jagannatha Sastri, 1932, The Provincial Insolvency Act 1920 By A.Ghosh, 1920, Hire & Hire Purchase By V.S Nayyar, 1943 and Hindu Law in British india By S.V Gupte, 1945. An Assistant Librarian is running all the business of this Library.